Ultrafiltration for Drammen’s newest hospital

In 2019, construction began on the new hospital on Brakerøya in Drammen, Norway (approximately 122,000m2). When it is ready for use in 2025, it will replace the current Drammen Hospital and Blakstad Hospital. The hospital will have integrated premises for somatics, mental healthcare and interdisciplinary drug treatment.

The hospital will become the local hospital for Drammen, Lier, Hurum, Røyken and Sande and have area functions for all residents within the entire Vestre Viken Health Care Trusts coverage area.

Several Enwa BIN-X® ultrafiltration systems were specified for the project and are being installed and commissioned to ensure all drinking water and DHW services are protected against contamination from harmful bacteria, such as legionella and E. coli as well as debris from the main water supply. This enhanced level of protection safeguards the water quality to all the buildings across site.

The Enwa BIN-X® ultrafiltration system uses 6 modules, has a total membrane area of over 1,000m2 and a capacity of over 100m3 per hour, equivalent to 2,600m3 per day, with peak capacity of more than twice this amount.

It will be commissioned prior to any of the buildings being put to use and we are proud to be able to supply Enwa BIN-X® ultrafiltration to such an important building from so many people.

We would especially like to thank everyone who has cooperated in the project to date.

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